SASMob – Szeged

Innovative transport management solutions
- to get solutions for the employees getting to work,
- the development of innovative and supportive business environment conditions,
- the development of intelligent data-driven, rapid reaction system/ high quality transport services/ improved information for the users.
gross 3.259.220 EUR (80% ERDF support).
Period of project implementation
1 February 2018 ― 31 January 2022
Goal of the project
The SASMob project builds a data-driven and responsive IT-system through the partnership of public entities, private businesses and transport providers in Szeged to progress towards environmentally friendly urban mobility.
The project will encourage cross-sector cooperation between businesses and the City of Szeged to co-design and tailor sustainable commuting solutions for employees, the biggest car-dependent mobility group. It will be called the SASMob Pledge.
It will develop a data management process to analyse the complex urban mobility behaviour through data collected by smart phone applications which will be called the SASMob Response.
Three unique, innovative actions will be implemented during the project:
Set a first of its kind governance system in the EU to achieve private sector’s commitment for low environmental impact mobility, which we call the Employers Mobility Pledge of SASMob. It is a strong contractual scheme with measurable performance commitment from employers.
Assemble an overarching toolbox for behavioural change campaigns, by bringing excellent European practices under one umbrella.
Build a cutting-edge mobility tracking system to optimise transport planning, using a patent of Szeged Technical University.
SASMob aims to offer an integrated, intelligent and responsive solution to promote sustainable urban mobility.
Project site: http://sasmob-szeged.eu/
Our microsite on UIA home page: http://www.uia-initiative.eu/en/uia-cities/szeged
ITrampoline FOR ALL (IT4ALL)

Duration: 3 October 2016 – 2 August 2018
Project Partners:
Carpathian Foundation, (CF), SK www.karpatskanadacia.sk
T-Systems Slovakia, SK www.t-systems.sk
ZOM Prešov, SK www.zompresov.sk
Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands Gemeinnutziger EV (CJD), D www.cjd.de
IT Services Hungary, (ITSH), H, www.deutschetelekomitsolutions.hu
The Project Goal is to foster employability and inclusion of people with fewer opportunities (physically disabled and socially disadvantaged) and facilitate their transition to the labour market through an inclusive and diversity sensitive Career Development Model that will be developed in a public-private partnership and fuelled by international exchange of experience.
Project Output: Career Development Model
1: VPAC – Vocational Potential Assessment Center
2. EDC – Elevator Development Center
VPAC: Vocational Potential Assessment Center (VPAC) is planned to be a pilot diversity-sensitive assessment center – a set of assessment methods and activities to assess candidates and/or in such a manner that being different does not turn into a disadvantage, and so that diversity and new perspectives can be recognized and appreciated as a valuable potential to the organization. The newly designed and adopted VPAC model will serve as a couching tool which will navigate the participating candidates upon their individual performance results. They will be offered various career pathways either within the involved IT company, its development programs or alternatively through other project partners (CF) and associated partners (Labour Office).
EDC: The Elevator Development Center (EDC) is a further step of the career development model. It builds on the VPAC performance results of the participants. Its role is to establish specific development measures for the participants to meet the future career requirements. It will be used for mapping the competencies and talents of the participants and defining their future development plans. The EDC is planned to develop 3 in-company training programmes focused on an intensive (6 months) preparation for 3 work positions within the IT sector which will respect specific needs of employees with disabilities. The selected participants will be offered to take the developed programmes and enroll in the 6 months in- company training.
For more detailed information: http://karpatskanadacia.sk/en/2016/12/itrampoline-for-all-it4all/
Optional info: FMB-TS-ITSH-Info@t-systems.com
Project Activities
- Transnational Project Meetings
- Training Trampoline
- Development of the Project Outputs and their Testing
- Short term Training Activities
- Internship
- Interviews with the IT4ALL project participants
- Adaptation of the Project Outputs
- Multiplier event