PTE Innovation Days 2024

2024 06 04

This year the PTE Innovation Days took place between 14 and 15 in Pécs. The event was organized by the University of Pécs together with DT-ITS as the main sponsor. The focus of the lectures and round-table discussions were on artificial intelligence, its impact on education, research and development and our everyday lives.

The opening ceremony included a speech by Örs Cseresnyés VP Tel IT and a presentation by András Dobó on “Selling AI solutions to large enterprises“. The panel discussion “Artificial Intelligence in Telecommunications” was moderated by Árpád Jorzsits, with the participation of Örs Cseresnyés, Máté Gaál, András Dobó and Erik Miklós Gebhard. The PTE Innovation Awards, including the DT-ITS Special Award, were also presented at the event.

We also had a DT-ITS booth on the first day, courtesy of CloudHUB, and on the second day, Gábor Szabó held an IoTrains workshop, where participants could learn how to train and run an artificial intelligence model.

Thank you to all our colleagues for participating!

A summary video of the event is available here:

The presentations and panel discussions are available to watch here (in Hungarian):