DT-ITS is one of the Most Attractive Workplaces!

2023 12 18

DT-ITS has become the second most attractive workplace in the Telecommunications and Media category in PwC’s 2023 Labour Market Survey.

This year, PwC Hungary used an online questionnaire to explore the job preferences of more than 80,000 Hungarian respondents – young people and experienced professionals.

According to the survey, human aspects have become more important and employees are more focused on maintaining work-life balance. Moreover, the growing importance of job content, team and leadership is also evident from the responses, while increasing the base salary rather than job stability has become a preference.

In addition to exploring workplace preferences, the Most Attractive Workplace of the Year awards were presented in a total of ten industry categories and one overall category based on the ratings of survey respondents, with DT-ITS coming second in the telecoms category.

source: https://www.pwc.com/hu/hu/sajtoszoba/2023/munkaeropiaci_preferencia_felmeres_2023.html


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