Code of Conduct

The key to company success lies in a Group-wide company culture that is characterized by integrity, ethics and personal responsibility. The ethical requirements that pertain to business operations and the workplace are becoming increasingly complex.
Our Code of Conduct is the framework that guides the behavior of all people in the Deutsche Telekom Group. The Code of Conduct links our own respect for laws and regulations to particular requirements regarding ethical behavior and our corporate values ensuring our successful operation.
Our Code of Conduct is dynamic; it is not closed off to new behavioral norms. Legal norms can transform over time, and new regulations can serve to clearly define behavioral requirements.
Being part of the Deutsche Telekom Group and sharing its identity requires that each and every individual accepts responsibility. We are aware that a single incident of misconduct can damage not only our success, but also the reputation that the company has acquired through the commitment demonstrated by our people on a daily basis. We have to adhere to behavioral standards – it is mandatory for all our employees and suppliers.
Our company operates internal whistleblowing system. You can find further information in the following document.
Data Privacy Information
Employer Whistleblowing System
You can send your report via the following channels:
By letter, in person:
Deutsche Telekom TSI Hungary Kft.
Compliance Management
1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán körút 36.
E-mail: Tell-me!
Online whistleblowing portal:
Deutsche Telekom ITTC Hungary Kft.
Compliance Management
1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán körút 36.
E-mail: Tell me!
Online whistleblowing portal:
Using the online portal you also have possibility to send your report anonymously.