At the end of the year, the focus is on social responsibility

It is extremely important for Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions to stand up for issues that can help organizations in need in the name of social responsibility. In addition to charitable activities, we try to provide financial support to various non-profit and public benefit organizations every year, thus contributing to the success of their operations.
Our traditional Year-End donation is one of our traditional initiatives, which we brought forward this year. During the first wave of the pandemic, we offered 1-1 million HUF for one organization in need at all four of our sites. These organizations were selected based on the votes of our colleagues, which are as follows:
• Budapest: Szent László és Szent István Kórház Betegeiért, Orvosaiért és Dolgozóiért Alapítvány
• Debrecen: Kenézy kórház az Egészségért Alapítvány
• Pécs: Normandia LIONS Club
• Szeged: Szegedi Újszülött Életmentő Alapítvány
Getting close to the end of the year, we once again felt the need to help organizations fighting against the pandemic on the frontlines. As the teams of our company have only had limited team-building activities this year, the total allocation for this has not been spent. Therefore, we were able reallocate a budget and donate money to the health care workers, saying ‘thank you’ this way:
• Kenézy Kórház Az Egészségért Alapítvány HUF 1.000.000
• Pécs-Normandia LIONS Club HUF 1.000.000
• Szegedi Újszülött Életmentő Alapítvány HUF 1.000.000.
• Szent László és Szent István Kórház Betegeiért, Orvosaiért és Dolgozóiért Alapítvány HUF 1.000.000
• Országos Mentőszolgálat Alapítvány HUF 1.000.000
• Korszerű Egészségügyért Alapítvány HUF 1.000.000
• Heim Pál Gyermekkórház Fejlesztéséért Alapítvány HUF 1.000.000
• Az egészségügyben dolgozókért 2009 alapítvány HUF 1.000.000
Our company has not only wanted to help healthcare professionals, but remains committed to supporting the catching up and education of underprivileged children. Therefore we also had the opportunity to donate to two partner foundations of our educational program, so that the little students of Pécs and Szendrőlád could continue their studies next year with the necessary tools. Accordingly, we helped:
• the work of the Bhim Rao Egyedület with 3 million HUF
• and the operation of A Khetanipe a Romák Összefogásáért Egyesület with 2 million HUF.