Here are five answers to why feeding call center tickets to AI is beneficial!

2024 06 21

Hungarian developers optimized Deutsche Telekom’s language model. 

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into customer service can bring radical changes, especially in call centers. Voice-based AI technologies automate processes and enhance customer interactions. AI-driven cognitive services, like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), refine call center activities by learning from customer data. Here are the technological advantages of using customer service tickets for voice-based AI.

1. Enhanced Predictive Analytics

An AI recommendation engine’s accuracy can increase from 70% to 80-90% within a year through machine learning. ML algorithms dynamically adapt to changing customer needs and behaviors, improving call recognition and problem resolution efficiency.

2. Proactive Customer Service Interventions

Voice-based AI, with advanced predictive capabilities, can identify user problems before calls are made, allowing call centers to address needs proactively. Adhering to GDPR regulations ensures customer data security.

3. Scalability and Efficiency

Voice-based AI systems enable call centers to handle more customers efficiently. For example, reducing each call by 20 seconds can save Deutsche Telekom customers in Germany a total of 9.5 years in waiting time, resulting in significant efficiency gains and cost reductions.

4. Higher Customer Satisfaction and First Call Resolution

Reducing response times boosts customer satisfaction scores (NPS). Increased first call resolutions and reduced call durations provide a long-term competitive advantage.

5. Human-Centered AI Communication

Advanced NLP and contextual processing allow chatbots to better interpret customer intentions, making responses more human-like and relevant. These AI systems interpret context, sequences, and synonyms, personalizing interactions.


Introducing voice-based AI in call centers is a strategic move that offers long-term benefits like operational efficiency, cost optimization, increased customer satisfaction, and improved ROI. AI transforms traditional call center operations, enabling dynamic responses to customer needs and enhancing market competitiveness.

For more info check out the new episode of our Unmute All podcast (the language of the episode is Hungarian):