DT-ITS becomes the largest business service centre in Hungary

2023 08 09

DT-ITS is the largest business service centre in Hungary in terms of the number of employees, according to the Budapest Business Journal’s (BBJ) Book of Lists. As of August 2022, DT-ITS had more than 5,100 employees, almost double the number of the runner-up company on the list. And since then, we have continued to grow, with nearly 5,500 people now working for DT-ITS.

Since its formation in 2006, DT-ITS has evolved from a traditional SSC to an IT service provider. As the skill levels of our colleagues have advanced, we have been able to provide end-to-end services with increasing responsibility and there is a growing number of high value-added tasks within the company. Our teams provide business services such as international sales support, delivery management and IT development. Our focus has changed completely in recent years, and we now provide IoT, cybersecurity, software development, network architecture and cloud services on a global scale. And through our university partnerships and external appearances, we are working to change the perception of the SSC (or nowadays BSS – Business Services Sector) sector and show young talent the opportunities within the industry.

Hungary’s largest business service centres
((source: https://www.hrportal.hu/hr/ezek-a-legnagyobb-uzleti-szolgaltatokozpontok-magyarorszagon-20230515.html)

Ranking Company name Number of employees working in SSC (1 August 2022)
1. Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions 5 117
2. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Magyarországi Fióktelepe 2 850
3. Citibank Europe Plc. Magyarországi Fióktelepe Citi Solutions Center Budapest 2 710
4. BP Business Service Centre Kft. 2 700
5. BT ROC Kft. 2 216

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